Sunday, March 11, 2007

Happy Birthday, Big Guy!

C.B. turned FOUR today, which seems hard for me to believe. My Terrible Three with Middle Child Syndrome is now four. And he says he feels four. And for the most part he's even acting like he's four. Somewhere in the last few months, C.B. has had a change in attitude. Even his teacher has remarked to me about it. It's been good. Really good.

C.B. had the privilege of getting to celebrate his birthday with five cousins, one aunt and one uncle on his actual birthday. The big family party was today, and was fun for all – kids and grown-ups alike. Click here for the highlights.

We lost about 3/4 of the pictures we had from 2006, so I had didn’t have as many to choose from when trying to put together a "year in pictures" for C.B. He’s not camera shy and he’s also pretty cute, so it wasn’t hard to come up with some good ones for his Fourth Year.

Happy Birthday, Big Guy!!

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