Tuesday, January 30, 2007

More Madness...and Awesome Dad-ness

It started out just like any Tuesday. A little more quiet and relaxed than Monday because only Miss M has to get up and off to school early. While Tuesday is C.B.'s day to go to school, he doesn’t go until after lunch. Tuesday is also my sister-in-law's day to do school drop off and pick up, so I don't even have to leave the house on Tuesday if I don't want to. However, she was without a car again today and clearly wasn’t able to do the school runs today.

When she called to let me know about this I was straining to hear her over the noise of the carpet cleaning machine that was running upstairs. (We have the house on the market and boy, did our carpets need some help!) But I assured her that I could take the kids to school – no problem. But after two hours of carpet cleaning, the man had not yet made it through the third of five rooms. I started to get concerned about the time. I figured I needed help getting the kids to school because the carpet cleaning would likely still be going on when it was time to leave. But I also figured that I would still be able to pick the kids up after school because the cleaning would surely be over by then. So I just needed to find a ride to school. I called for reinforcements. Again. This was getting silly.

After I’d found a way to get C.B. to school I started thinking about what I wanted to accomplish the rest of the afternoon and about getting the kids after school. It suddenly occurred to me that I was still in my PJ’s. This is not really unusual for me on a day when I don’t have to be anywhere. What was unusual was the fact that my bedroom carpet was just cleaned and would be wet for the next three to four hours. My bedroom is where my shower is…not to mention my clothes, my shoes, etc. I wouldn’t have minded running out to get them looking like I just rolled out of bed if I didn’t have to get out of my car. But for preschool pickup you have to physically get your kids from the teacher. There would be no hiding in the car for me.

So when my father-in-law came over (right on time) to get C.B. for school, I dropped a second bomb on him. “You wouldn’t mind bringing the kids back home after school also, would you?” Without even blinking he asked me what time and if they get picked in the same place as they get dropped off. Wow! After C.B. left with Grandpa, I just stood there lost in amazement at my good fortune. I thought I was lucky to have a hero for a father, but it turns out I am even luckier than I thought. I have two Super Dads.

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