Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Power

It’s VBS week at our church again. This year’s theme is “Power Lab”. Think mad science laboratory. I am leading the music again this year, but that’s pretty much all I volunteered to do. The music portion of the program is only the first 20 minutes of the day, and then I can take the baby and go home. I was planning to have Banana with me as well, but she was recruited into the preschool class and is having a ball. It has been slightly unreal for me to have just one child for several hours during the day. I have to admit that I enjoy the quiet time, especially knowing that the kids are doing something that’s good for both their bodies and their souls.

Just like we learned at Vacation Bible School yesterday, I am thankful that I was able to volunteer again this year. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to handle it with the new baby. But the fact that my part is small made it possible (not to mention that Mr. H is such an angel). Our director was hoping that I would be able to put together a slideshow of the week to show to the kids on Friday. Since the Banana is now a student at the Power Lab VBS, I’m thinking I can spend some time snapping pictures tomorrow morning. In which case, I will likely have some pictures from VBS to post by the end of the week.


sltbee69 said...

I'm glad everything is working out for you.

Lisa said...

Can't wait to see those pictures. How great that everything worked out.