Despite taking a couple of weeks “off” for the major back pain I was experiencing, the list of things I feel I need to accomplish before baby’s arrival continues to grow. I feel like I am finally making some headway this week. For example, the Christmas decorations are now put away. The
right way. However, that project alone took me two hours – pretty much Banana’s entire naptime that day. The next day I obsessively cleaned my family room and kitchen. The contractors that were here installing a new light/fan in our family room,
and the recessed lighting in our kitchen...

...made a big, dusty mess out of things. I am very happy with our new, well-lit rooms, but it was a lot of work getting things cleaned and put back together. Banana’s naptime today will be spent at the doctor’s office. It’s time for my 28-week check-up. I do plan to do some work in the kids’ rooms when they get home from school. Trust me…they’ll be thrilled.
Another person that’s sure to be thrilled with this process is my husband. It seems like whenever I complete something on my list, it naturally creates a new list of things for him to do. Whether there is something that needs to be moved that’s too heavy for a pregnant lady or something I simply feel
he should be doing, it goes on the list. That’s just what he wants to look at when he gets home from work, I’m sure. Hang in there, hon! Only 10 more weeks to go!!!
Oh sure, everything will be soooo much easier and under control in 10 weeks. Yikes!
Oh how we take overhead lighting for granted! We had NO overhead lighting in our old house and I hated that! We actually have real overhead lights in each room in this house now. What luxury!
Wow look at you and your industrious cleaning. YEAY YOU!
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