Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Another year of Sunday School came to a close over the weekend. We always end the year by having all the teachers and children come together for an end-of-the-year celebration during our last class. We had a smaller number of kids this year, but the celebration was no less meaningful or memorable than usual. The other fun thing we do is get together for a barbecue the afternoon of our last class. The kids get to run around and play on the playground together, we eat some good food, and, again, just celebrate a great year of Sunday School. This was the conclusion of our sixth year, and I pray that we will have enough students and teachers to continue the program for many years to come. You can see pictures of the Sunday School celebration here.

Miss M had even more to celebrate the day of the Sunday School picnic. Later that same day (and at the same park) was her “Flying Up” ceremony for Girl Scouts. My little girl is no longer a Brownie, but is now a Junior Girl Scout. Out with the brown…in with the green.

Check out all the badges and activity patches from her Brownie years! She and I will need to do some shopping to get her a new vest for all the awards she will certainly be earning over the next three years as a Junior. Congratulations, Miss M. Here are some Fly-up Photos.

Friday is the last day of school. We’ll say good-bye to teachers and classrooms and we will not be back for nearly three whole months. They celebrate at school with a closing Mass before the children are dismissed for the summer.

There seems to be a pattern forming here; it seems that with closure comes celebration. It is fitting that we recognize the joys and the benefits that certain activities or events have brought into our lives. It is also fitting that we properly acknowledge that many of these things are seasonal or temporary. But we cannot overlook that as these things are coming to a close, a new season is upon us that needs our attention. In other words…

…I can’t forget
the trips to the country house,
our week-long camping vacation,
softball games,
Girl Scout day camp,
Vacation Bible School,
baseball games,
Safety Town,
Mother-Daughter Girl Scout camp,
the other Vacation Bible School,
the other Girl Scout day camp,
PLUS the fact that I am committed to ride 80 miles for MS in September.

Closure is very short-lived.

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