I started writing a "Catching Up" post in February and never finished it. I figured that it would be hard for me to keep up this blogging thing on a regular basis. "Not enough hours in the day", as they say. But I think my real problem is that I'm not satisfied with just posting a few pictures and a quick update. The perfectionista in me wants a lengthy narrative of all that has been happening here, in full detail and chronological order. The mom in me worries that I need to post about each of my children evenly so that I don't appear to be playing favorites. And the insecure writer in me wants posts that are composed well and interesting to read. These things are definitely hindering me from posting on a more regular basis, and they are issues I would like to work through and just get over already!

My husband has been getting into photography, taking wonderful pictures of the kids on their birthdays, at their sporting events, and even for no reason at all. This alone should help inspire me to post more. His pictures are beautiful. And, whether I like it or not, they really don't require a bunch of explanation or captioning. After all, "a picture is worth a thousand words." (How many more quotes can I get in here?)
Many of the pictures I use on this blog are taken with my phone. They are obviously low, phone-quality pictures, but they are useful because I have always have a camera handy, and I can very easily post to the blog directly from my phone. These are NOT phone pictures.
So forgive me if the rest of this post is simply pictures. They are awesome pictures, and they tell the story of our last few months. From birthdays and First Communions, to just having fun at home or in the park. I am grateful to my husband and his new obsession for capturing our lives so beautifully. Enjoy!