Dear Birthmother:
It was a little like a news flash for us. “This just in… C.B. six years old…Parents in shock!!” But when the shock wore off, the celebrations began. We took him out for dinner for his birthday last week, but he still has two birthday parties left to go. He will have a party with some of his friends from school this weekend. He will also share a big party with quite a few extended family members closer to the end of the month. We have so much to celebrate with this special boy.
C.B. started Kindergarten this year. It took him a while to get used to going every day of the week, but it’s no big deal for him now. He’s pretty good about getting out of bed in the morning and getting himself ready for school. However, we usually have to remind him to tuck his shirt in before he heads out the door every morning. He has been working very hard on reading and writing. He is getting better at sounding out words and he’s taking more care when writing now. It is so cool to watch him improve as the school year continues.
C.B.’s Mom & Dad