C.B. looks pretty serious about fishing
Big D puts a fish back into the water
C.B. uses the FORCE on his brother
Yes...we actually brought lightsabers along on our camping trip.
The Banana with her Daddy
Aunt Tara with Miss M and C.B.
Uncle Dave & Aunt Tara found "Rocket" in the road.
Rocket was awesome in the turtle races.
He won every race but one. What a champion!
Aunt Tara with Banana
Miss M with the Lake Wappapello sunset in the background
Miss M and Dad drive the boat
Big D found a toad
Rocket was awesome in the turtle races.
He won every race but one. What a champion!
Aunt Tara with Banana
Miss M with the Lake Wappapello sunset in the background
Miss M and Dad drive the boat
Big D found a toad
Our bathing beauty, Banana