Sunday, April 30, 2006
Go Fly A Kite
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
New to the Zoo
Big D's preschool class took a field trip to the Zoo today, and C.B., Banana and I got to tag along. It was Banana's first trip to the Zoo, and she seemed to enjoy it for the most part. She really just enjoys being outside and the company of other children, and that's pretty much the Zoo in a nutshell!
C.B. was a little nervous around most of the bigger animals, regardless of whether or not there was bullet-proof glass between him and them. That fact made it difficult for me to get his picture with any animals, but I got a good shot near the zebras. He really liked the zebras.
Big D is really interested in the animals so it's fun to watch him watch them. You know what they say... "Who's watching who at the St. Louis Zoo?"
Sunday, April 23, 2006
A Big Day for Miss M
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Trash to Treasure
In addition, the kids used empty boxes (most of which would have been thrown in the trash) to make robots. They turned out really cool. Big D's robot is almost as tall as he is and he even wears a cape! Big D said he turned "trash to treasure."
I think it's wonderful that young children are learning about recycling, and I hope they are able to teach their parents (and grandparents) a thing or two about it. Call me a "tree-hugger", but I am glad that my kids are growing up with recycling as a part of their lives. I hope they never know any different. The children are our future, and with recycling as a part of their everyday lives, our future should be a little cleaner.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
What a Weekend!
On Friday night we colored eggs and made one of two cakes we would be consuming on Easter Sunday. It was also the third night in a row that the kids were up WAY past their bedtime!
Thankfully, Dad is always in charge of egg-dying.
On Saturday Dad and the kids washed the cars in the driveway while I baked yet another cake for Easter.
C.B. is the same size as the tires on Big Blue!
Also on Saturday, the grand-daughter of our next-door neighbors came over to play, and so did our cousin. We finally got the kitchen cleaned up after all the baking was finished, the kids all had baths and we actually got them to bed pretty close to a normal bedtime. we're all ready for the Easter Bunny!
Thursday, April 13, 2006
You Gotta Love Preschool Parties - Part II
Monday, April 10, 2006
You Gotta Love Preschool Parties
After each child had found an egg the teacher said, "Let's see if we can find a bunny. Bunnies are cute and soft!" So C.B. and the other children began a search for this soft, cute bunny. When the bunny was finally found, the eager and determined look on C.B.'s little face turned into THIS:
Happy Easter!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Brotherly Love
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Father-Daughter Fun
Friday night we had a Luau themed Father-Daughter Dance for the Girl Scouts at Miss M's school. There were a hundred girls and their dads in the tropically (is that a word?) decorated gym that night. The music was loud, but those girls were even louder. The dance floor area was filled with girls in pretty dresses jumping up and down and screaming when their favorite songs were
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Reading is Fundamental
Monday, April 03, 2006
Now We're Cooking!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
We also took hikes, played baseball and rode bikes to the playground. Another neat thing that happened is that we figured out our last name can be spelled using pretzels. We ate a lot of pretzels figuring this out!